September 24, 2020
It’s with great pride that I present our brand-new website in this first inaugural Catch Up blog post.
Launched in November 2020, I encourage you to say hello, get involved, tap in, catch up and reach out. I hope you like the animated Calgary Tower graphic meets circuit lines on our Home page as much as I do… elevating automation in Southern Alberta is truly what The ISA Calgary Section is all about. We excited for the new direction our website has given us and look forward to furthering our marketing efforts with this in mind.
Happy 75th anniversary to ISA Headquarters. In celebration of this milestone, they launched a new website, ISA Connect and the SMIIoT Division (their newest). They’ve been busy!
Thank you to all ISA members for supporting your local sections; it is because of you that the ISA is the success it is today! If you are not an ISA member yet, I encourage you to join to realize the many benefits that are available to you.
Without out volunteers, the ISA Calgary Section and all its events, attractions and social supporting activities would simply cease to be. New volunteers are essential and always welcome. Please feel free to contact myself or other board members to chat about how you can help make us even stronger.
Last, but not least, thank you to our sponsors for your generous financial contribution and engagement. We hope that you appreciate our Sponsor Stage that now lives on every page of this new website – built to highlight you.
Again, please feel free to reach out anytime, follow us on LinkedIn or connect with me.
Ryan Warrington
ISA Calgary Section President