In Sarmad's Words | Engaged SAIT Students
October 18, 2023
On Friday, October 13th over eighty-five first and second year SAIT MacPhail School of Energy Instrumentation Students signed-up for or renewed their ISA student membership. 10 more than in 2022!
First and foremost, a special thanks to Atnarong Charoensit, NAIT Student and ISA SAIT Student Council Membership Director, and Francisco Manuel Cruz, NAIT Student, for helping organize this event. Students enjoyed pizza and drinks provided by the ISA Calgary Section and heard from various ISA Calgary Section Board Members: Sarmad Ali, Jasmeen Virk, and Armaghan Yusuf, along with the SAIT Instructor and ISA Student Liaison, Mark Tarrant. They presented on what ISA, the worlds leading professional organization for automation, has to offer and the many benefits of student membership. A few we'd like to highlight are community, networking, knowledge and scholarships.
Did you say scholarships?
Recently, the ISA announced the recipients of its 2023 scholarships... thirty-two students from six countries were awarded a total of USD 100,500 to support tuition and research activities.
ISA scholarships are awarded to college or university students who demonstrate outstanding potential for long-range contribution to the fields of automation, instrumentation, systems, and control. The scholarship awards support tuition and related expenses and research activities and initiatives. ISA awards scholarships through named endowments as well as through specific technical divisions. More information about the program is available at www.isa.org/scholarships.
For more on how students can get involved with our section, click the below button.