August 05, 2022
Award Update!
The ISA Calgary Section is delighted that another one of our very own members, Phil Evans, received the Excellence In Enduring Service Award from ISA Headquarters. He is one of just two automation professionals worldwide to be awarded for 2022.
This achievement recognizes dedicated volunteer service to the Society at the grassroots level. A member must have a minimum of 15 years of continuous service in a leadership position(s) within the society.
The ISA Headquarters awards program endeavors to stimulate, enhance, encourage, acknowledge, and reward outstanding contributions to ISA and the automation profession by providing an avenue for individuals to compete for recognition within established categories.
An outdoorsman at heart, whose career has taken him around the world, the ISA Calgary Section’s very own Phil Evans celebrates 40 years as a member in 2022.
Aside from a captivating automation career and volunteering for ISA, Phil loves to be outside (at least in the summer). He's an avid upland bird hunter and waterfowler, golfs, fly-fishes, teaches sporting clay shooting, and volunteers for several conservation organizations. In the winter? He plays chess.
Let's raise a glass to this long-time member's ruby anniversary and and learn a little more about his dedication to ISA...
Tell us about your automation career.
I retired from SNC Lavalin in 2015 after 18 years in Automation Engineering. I spent several years working and living in the Middle East doing field engineering and managing commissioning of oil and gas facilities. Spent 4 years in Oman, 1 year in Saudi Arabia, 2 years in Qatar, a few months in West Africa and a year in Venezuela.
Prior to SNC Lavalin I worked for Syncrude Canada Ltd for 18 years and prior to that I worked for Shell in the UK for 8 years.
How has the industry changed over the years?
Instrumentation and control systems, commonly called automation today, has changed so much since I started at Shell UK in 1970. The evolution of electronic instrumentation and controls from pneumatic systems was probably one of the most significant advancements and the advent of computerization is probably the other major advancement in today’s automation systems.
How did you first learn about the ISA? What attracted you most?
I first learned about ISA through colleagues at work. There was a local chapter in Fort McMurray where I worked at Syncrude Canada Ltd. I wanted to be involved with other I&C folks both locally and internationally.
Why ISA? What value did you get most out of your membership?
I really enjoy the leadership development, networking and travel opportunities.
Where have your ISA travels brought you?
I have travelled with ISA all over the USA for conferences and training. New Orleans has to be the best location for a conference as there is so much to see and do there. In fact, I went there three times courtesy of ISA.
What would you say is your biggest volunteer accomplishment for the ISA?
For the ISA Calgary Section, I held almost every position on the executive including President in 2000. For ISA International, I was the Director of the Construction and Design Division for several years and resurrected their newsletter.
Did you have an ISA Mentor? Which ISA member has inspired you most?
Greg Shinsky, a legend in the process control world, and Richard Morley, the inventor of the PLC, were two greats in the industry that I looked up to and met.
Congratulatory Toasts
Congratulations to Phil Evans on his 40th anniversary as an ISA member. Phil has served the ISA Society and the ISA Calgary section for many years as a leader. In doing so, he has helped assist members of the industry, upcoming leaders in ISA, the ISA student section and contributed significantly to the ISA Society and his community. Phil, I thank you for your ongoing contributions and selfless example. - Marty Bince, ISA International President-Elect 2023
I have had the pleasure of working with Phil both professionally and within ISA. Phil has always been a gentleman and mentor to many with a strong interest in standards and practices and their impact on our work. - Ian Verhappen, ISA Calgary Section Board Member
Congratulations on your incredible 40+ years of membership with ISA! I know many of these years have been serving on the ISA Calgary Section Executive. There aren’t many people who can achieve this consistent membership and volunteer service. Only a few chosen ones can do it, just like you. It’s been a pleasure serving with you for many, many years, and all of the executives at ISA thank you for all your efforts. - Brent Rathgeber, ISA Calgary Section Board Member