November 04, 2020
The ISA Calgary Section is delighted to announce that one of our very own members received the Excellence In Enduring Service Award from ISA Headquarters. Ian Verhappen was one of four automation professionals worldwide to be awarded for 2020.
This achievement recognizes dedicated volunteer service to the Society at the grassroots level. A member must have a minimum of 15 years of continuous service in a leadership position(s) within the society.
The ISA Headquarters awards program endeavors to stimulate, enhance, encourage, acknowledge, and reward outstanding contributions to ISA and the automation profession by providing an avenue for individuals to compete for recognition within established categories.
"I was honored to receive this award recognizing Society Service as ISA was a large part of my life for many years. The largest reward from my years of service is the many friends I have made around the world. I would encourage anyone in the automation industry to become active in ISA as these friendships and the group of peers whom you know personally will also be able to help you professionally as well. The more you put into volunteering, the more you get our of it." -Ian Verhappen
A Little Bit About Ian…
Ian became a member of ISA at the start of his 20-year career in the oil sands and remains actively involved today. He started his volunteering as newsletter editor for the Analysis Division newsletter, which led to becoming the Analysis Division Director and involvement in standards activities shortly after. Following this he naturally progressed to role in other areas including: VP Publications, Standards, Strategic Planning, and District 10, and served on the Executive Board and Executive Committee. Ian was also Edmonton Section President twice and has now come full circle as APMD division newsletter editor, serving on standards committees, and the local Sections.
"On behalf of the ISA Calgary Section I would like to congratulate Ian Vehappen on his award for Excellence in Enduring Service in Industrial Automation Networks. Thank you Ian for all your many contributions to the International Society of Automation." -Ryan Warrington