March Technical Talk: The Power of Data - ML & AI To Impact Emissions - Register!
18th Annual Golf Tournament - Register!
President's Message - With Change We Grow!

Image credit: The Winston Golf Club
2020-2021 Year
The Winston Golf Club
ISA Calgary Section board meetings are held monthly from September to November, and January to June. They generally take place at The Winston Golf Club (for the time being they are taking place virtually) on the last Tuesday of the month at 4:30pm.
Important Note: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, our board meetings are now being held virtually and the date/time may deviate from our normal schedule. Please contact us if you have any questions.
2020/2021 Board Meeting Dates
- September 16
- October 20
- November 24
- January 25
- February 23
- March - 23
- April 20
- May 18
- June 4 (AGM)