February 23, 2021
7pm - 8pm
The ISA Calgary Section invites you to our February Technical Presentation; Advanced Physical Layer - An ISA YYC Perspective.
Our very own ISA Calgary Section Member, Ian Verhappen, who recently received ISA HQ's Excellence In Enduring Service Award (read full story) will be presenting... coincidently he's also the Chairman of SC65C Industrial Networks where this and other networking standards are developed for the process automation industry.
As a side, guess who just published an article about Ethernet-APL? ISA HQ! Check it out here :)
Presentation Overview
This complimentary webinar will focus on the recently published standard, IEEE 802.3cg, more commonly known as Advanced Physical Layer. It will have a significant impact on how and where Ethernet networks will be used.
Ian's talk will first explain the new two-wire powered Ethernet technology. He will then tell us how it can be used in a wide range of industries: from hydrocarbons to food, automative and beyond!
“It’s faster, lighter and a far easier to interface. I'm really looking forward to hearing Ian's thoughts.” – Jeff Brown, ISA Calgary Section Cybersecurity Lead
Speaker Bio
Ian became a member of ISA at the start of his 20-year career in the oil sands and remains actively involved today. He started his volunteering as newsletter editor for the Analysis Division newsletter, which led to becoming the Analysis Division Director and involvement in standards activities shortly after. Following this he naturally progressed to role in other areas including: VP Publications, Standards, Strategic Planning, and District 10, and served on the Executive Board and Executive Committee. Ian was also Edmonton Section President twice and has now come full circle as APMD division newsletter editor, serving on standards committees, and the local Sections. For full-time work, Ian's currently a Solutions Architect for Willowglen Systems.
Please register for this complimentary webinar via the below button. Instructions on how to attend will be provided to all registered attendees the week of the event.